Kamis, 13 Maret 2025
32 C

Gubernur Kalteng kawal Program Ketahanan Pangan Presiden RI

Sbypresidenku.com – Governor of Central Kalimantan Escorts National Food Security

Commitment of the Governor of Central Kalimantan in Supporting Food Security Programs

Governor of Central Kalimantan, Sugianto Sabran, reaffirmed his commitment to escorting and succeeding in the food security program initiated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. This program is an integral part of the government’s efforts to ensure food availability for all Indonesian people, especially in Central Kalimantan, which has great potential in agriculture and plantation sectors.

On this occasion, Sugianto Sabran stated that Central Kalimantan has vast and fertile land, which is very potential to be developed in the agricultural sector. “We support and are ready to escort this food security program to run in accordance with the President’s expectations and provide tangible benefits for the community,” said the Governor. He also added that his side will continue to cooperate with the central government to optimize agricultural potential in the region and increase food production for national sustainability.

As a province with strategic agricultural land, Central Kalimantan is expected to make a significant contribution to achieving food self-sufficiency. The provincial government has prepared various strategic steps to support the achievement of national food production targets, including the application of modern agricultural technology and improving the welfare of local farmers.

Infrastructure and Technology Support in Food Security Management

To realize sustainable food security, the government of Central Kalimantan also focuses on infrastructure development and the application of more advanced agricultural technologies. The development of irrigation systems, improvement of fertilizer quality, and utilization of digital agricultural technology are some of the steps that are currently being and will continue to be carried out by the local government.

In this regard, Sugianto Sabran stated that the synergy between local government, central government, and farmers is very important in creating solid food security. “We believe that with good cooperation and optimization of technology, Central Kalimantan can become one of the main food-producing areas in Indonesia,” he emphasized.

Not only that, the local government continues to encourage investment and innovation in the agricultural sector. Through various incentive programs and assistance to farmers, such as fertilizer subsidies and sustainable agricultural training, it is hoped that food production in Central Kalimantan can continue to increase. In addition, the role of Regional State-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) is also being strengthened to ensure smooth and stable food distribution in the market.

As part of the efforts to support national food security, the Governor of Central Kalimantan also emphasizes the importance of sustainable land management. By maintaining a balance between food production and environmental sustainability, Central Kalimantan is expected to become an example for other provinces in implementing effective and environmentally friendly agricultural systems.

With various strategic steps and policies that have been implemented, the food security program initiated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia is expected to run optimally in Central Kalimantan. This step is a concrete proof of the local government’s commitment to supporting national food independence for the welfare of the Indonesian people.

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